Wednesday, October 2, 2013 it goes: my first blog entry. I decided to start this blog to share thoughts, views, and my experiences as a small business owner that not only have brokered my own acquisition deals, but also spent many years consulting large Fortune 500 corporations through mergers, acquisitions, and post merger integration support.  Whether you head up a large global multinational corporation or you head up a small restaurant in a rural town, the basic tenets of business are the same; your goals are to build a company that creates value.  Value can be in the form of stock dividends for shareholders or value can simply mean generating enough profit to pay bills and put on the food on the table for you and your family.

Looking to build your business to create enough value to sell it off at retirement? This blog is for you.
Sell your business after you have changed course? Yep, for you.

Want to add more value to your existing business portfolio by purchasing a new business? Yes, we'll cover those topics.

I have not only brokered my own deals and ran acquired businesses, I've also been part of mergers/acquisitions and my career has derived from a wide variety of angles and perspectives due to mergers and acquisitions.

We'll cover a number of different topics and I hope I can answer any questions you may here we go!

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